Finding new ways to reach consumers can be a daunting task. It can be challenging to build meaningful connections with customers in order to set your business apart from the rest. Zendesk is a customer service platform working to help you reach your consumer in a way you never thought possible. With Zendesk live chat software, you will have access to new channels of communication, allowing you to approach your customer in a way that creates a strong, long-lasting connection.

Here are four ways Zendesk Chat will fundamentally change the way you connect with your customers

1. Proactively engage with customers on your site with Zendesk Chat

Proactive engagement is a fundamental shift in the way online customer support is conducted. Using Zendesk Chat, you can anticipate where and when your customers need assistance on your site, and get in touch with them before they encounter difficulties, get frustrated or abandon it altogether. Zendesk Chat allows you to set certain triggers which will start a chat with a given customer. If you are experiencing a high percentage of cart abandonment, for example, proactive chat can help you engage with customers who appear to stall at checkout. This type of engagement can resolve any doubts or concerns the customer may have that are keeping them from making the purchase. Through proactive engagement, you will not only enhance the customer’s online shopping experience, but also improve conversion rates for your site.

2. Boost customer support productivity and efficiency

The impact Zendesk Chat will have on the quality and overall performance of your customer support team is significant. First, using proactive chat triggers means agents will be able to anticipate the problem area based on the content of a certain page – agents will be more prepared to answer questions in a fast and efficient manner. Second, the software allows you to keep records of each interaction and its outcome, easily providing measurable conversion statistics – which will allow you to keep track of agent performance and create meaningful and attainable targets and incentives. Third, the information collected from previous customer engagements on your site will help you train new agents. Records can be used to create a more comprehensive internal knowledge bank that can be shared with all agents and allow them to instantly resolve any query.

3. Optimise customer support across channels and build a chat workflow

Zendesk Chat is built into Zendesk Support to give your agents easy access to tickets across support channels. In addition to managing simultaneous chats, this platform allows agents to make seamless transitions from email, to social media, to phone support or live chat. This makes for fast, effective support across channels resulting in a positive overall customer service experience and greater customer satisfaction. Your clients will have the confidence and comfort of knowing they will be receiving top-notch customer support, regardless of the channel they are contacting your company through. By giving customers real-time access to customer support, you will be creating a welcoming environment for all types of consumers.

4. Zendesk Chat provides you with valuable insights into what your customers care about

When you engage with customers as soon as their dilemma arises, you will gain valuable insights into what kind of online shopping experience you are offering them. Zendesk Chat allows you to see at which point in the process customers get stuck, what kind of items draw the most attention, when users tend to use your site, where your consumers are coming from and what they are looking for. With insights like these, you will be able to create and maintain a knowledge base for future optimisation plans and marketing strategies.

Once you have set up Zendesk live chat, you can also easily collect information regarding which pages see longer periods of customer inactivity to discover what could be causing your customers to stall. This allows for insight into whether issues are logistic, product based, or problematic for the customer.

Companies in today’s marketplace are constantly on the lookout for ways to make more meaningful engagements with customers and better represent their brand. With Zendesk Chat, not only will you be able to provide your customers with a better product in terms of customer support, but you will also be able to get to know your customers and their unique interest in your product. By offering a seamless online chat experience, regardless of the technology or method of communication, your customers will have access to everything they need in terms of support without even having to interrupt their online shopping experience.

If you need more information about Zendesk platform, please click here.